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Toxic Load: The Symptoms and How you Can Reduce Your Exposure

Toxic Load: The Symptoms and How you Can Reduce Your Exposure

Throughout life we are exposed to various toxins that can take a toll on our health. Toxins can be found in the food we eat, the water we drink, the environment we are exposed to daily, household cleaning products and the personal care products we use every day!...

The Scale: Not The Best Way To Track Progress

The Scale: Not The Best Way To Track Progress

FacebookLinkedInSaturday, June 08, 2019 Weight loss is a big topic! There are tons of products that are geared towards losing weight quickly. Some even market weight loss products that require you to do no additional work on your part! As an educated, passionate...

Motherhood: Don’t Be So Hard On YOU!

Motherhood: Don’t Be So Hard On YOU!

As another Mother’s Day has come and gone, I have had so many things running through my mind as a mother. Am I being the best mom I can be? What will my kids remember about me when they get older?   As mothers, we have a tendency to be very hard on ourselves. We...

The Importance of A Strong Core

The Importance of A Strong Core

The core is considered the powerhouse of the body. All the movements that we make daily originate from the core; the more stable the core, the more efficient and powerful our movements will be. Movements like lifting, bending, twisting and reaching all involve the...

Why Nutrition Is So Important

Why Nutrition Is So Important

To put it in simple terms, nutrition is the process in which food is used to maintain proper health, growth and repair of body tissues.  A well-balanced diet is essential in order to ensure the body is functioning properly. Nutrition is a key component in overall...

The Secret to Weight Loss!

The Secret to Weight Loss!

Everywhere you look there are advertisements for products that claim to help aid in weight loss. From teas, to supplements, to waist trainers and strict diets there are so many options out there that it can be frustrating and down right confusing. It can be hard to...

My personal Experience with Whey Protein and Acne

My personal Experience with Whey Protein and Acne

There are tons of supplements that people use to help them achieve the physical appearance they want from working out. One of the most popular is protein powder. Protein powder is a quick and easy way to add this macronutrient into your diet to help build lean muscle...

Be Consistent!

Be Consistent!

As a health and wellness professional, I know how important consistency is in achieving a health goal. This term is used a lot by fitness professionals as I scroll through my timeline on social media. I myself have used this term many times before as I give tips...

Financial Wellness!!

Financial Wellness!!

When most people think about wellness, they automatically think about exercising and eating healthy. But did you know that there are actually Eight Degrees of Wellness? The Eight Degrees include: Physical WellnessFinancial WellnessIntellectual WellnessOccupational...

Finding Happiness

Finding Happiness

Have you ever thought to yourself, man I just want to be happy! But what is being happy? I’m pretty sure that everyone has their own meaning of what happiness is, so I decided to look up the definition and according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: Happy: enjoying...

Strive For Progress Not Perfection

Strive For Progress Not Perfection

In a world where we can be frequently judged on our appearance, it can be stressful to live up to what society deems acceptable. It can be discouraging when you are trying to get on the healthy track and feel pressured that you must exercise every single day, eat...

The Benefits of Home-Based Workouts

The Benefits of Home-Based Workouts

The beginning of a new year is a time when most people start to think about getting their health on track. New Year resolutions typically include being more physically active, eating healthier and many other things we may want to do to improve the quality of our...

Life Is All About GROWTH!

Life Is All About GROWTH!

As I sit here and reflect over the past year, I realize how much I have grown as a person in these past twelve months.  Life is truly a journey and each step we take will lead us further down this path called life. I truly appreciate every moment I have...

The Benefits of Online Personal Training!

The Benefits of Online Personal Training!

Just recently I announced that Healthy Motives 365 is now offering Online Personal Training and I couldn’t be more excited! I have worked with clients in person for years and I have received many requests for help from people that are not in my immediate area so I...

Stop Comparing! Just Be YOU!

Stop Comparing! Just Be YOU!

As humans we have a tendency to compare ourselves to others, it’s just what we do sometimes. We look at other people’s lives and wonder why we aren’t where we want to be, automatically assuming that someone else’s life is so perfect. I have personally compared my...

Getting Rid of Dangerous Belly Fat!

Getting Rid of Dangerous Belly Fat!

As women we have a few main areas that we are most concerned with and I have to say that the belly is number one for most! Excess belly fat is not just an aesthetic problem it can also put you at increased risk for developing chronic health conditions such as heart...

You Can’t Out Exercise A Bad Diet!

You Can’t Out Exercise A Bad Diet!

Have you ever heard someone say, “I will eat this now and just work it off later?” Or maybe you have even said this before. I know in my past, I thought this way until I truly got to the point that I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle. When my mindset shifted from...

5 Ways to Naturally Increase Your Energy!

5 Ways to Naturally Increase Your Energy!

The end of the year can be a fun yet busy time of the year! With all of the holidays, traveling, family gatherings and parties it can be a little overwhelming and tiring at times. If this sounds familiar to you, keep reading for 5 ways to help naturally increase your...

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are typically a time to spend quality moments with the family and create memories all while indulging in all the wonderful foods, desserts and adult beverages we can get our hands on. This is truly a wonderful time of the year! With that being said, the...

Change Is Hard!!

Change Is Hard!!

Why is change so hard??? It is simply human nature to resist change, even when we know it can improve our quality of life. The problem is that although we want to change, as humans we also like to be comfortable. Getting out of your comfort zone is necessary for...

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